Appointments are made by phone.

Trial session
The duration of a trial session is approximately 90 minutes. After a medical history check you will be familiarized with the movements and learn the principles of the method.

  1 session (60 minutes)
  5 sessions
10 sessions


  60,00 Euro

  90,00 Euro
425,00 Euro
800,00 Euro

Current classes can be requested by phone or email.
60 minutes Gyrokinesis:              15,00 Euro
90 minutes Gyrokinesis:              20,00 Euro             optional weekend workshops

Gyrokinesis Pretraining: Learning the basic program with the goal of find out the effect of the system on your body. This course lays the foundation for a new experience or you could even become a trainer yourself. Upon successful completion of the Pretraining you can register yourself for a Foundation course anywhere in the world. Registration is available upon request for a minimum of three participants.

Duration:      6 days  (price upon request)                      next Gyrokinesis Pretraining

Training and Courses

Weekend workshops

If you are interested in weekend workshops, please send me an email with subject “weekend workshops”, and I will be happy to inform you about upcoming courses.


Gyrokinesis Pretraining

Please send me an email with subject “Pretraining Gyrokinesis“, and I will be happy to send you information regarding upcoming courses.