Gyrokinesis: Gyrokinesis lessons take place without equipment and in groups. The exercises learned can also be performed at home and at work to relax from unilateral working postures. Gyrokinesis is carried out sitting on a low stool and on the floor. Advanced standing exercises train the balance and alignment of the body.

Every movement is synchronised through the whole body and with a breathing pattern that stimulates the nervous system and opens the body's meridians. The quality of movement is yogic, fluid, rhythmic, gentle and dynamic at the same time. Parts of the exercise are experienced like a dance. There are no statically held postures and therefore creates no tension.

The body trained by Gyrokinesis is strengthened, the movements have a relaxing and harmonious effect. With consistent practice the client benefits from increased flexibility and physical ease in daily life.      Video Gyrokinesis Methode
